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Happiness: Positivity Quest

Happiness: Positivity Quest
  • 类型:模拟
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:4.333
  • 厂商:Michelle Ran
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-02-22 05:48:02
  • 标签: 动作 模拟 游戏
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Show positivity to sad creatures and make them your friends:

- Type in a positive sentence and offer an item to make spells

- The more positive a sentence, the stronger the spell!

- Different punctuation marks result in different types of spells

- Each creature is randomly generated and unique!

Rearrange the landscape to your liking:

- Move and place trees, paths, pies, etc.

Place a magical door once you're ready to move onto a new world.

Be happy!

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