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Air Jet Attack

Air Jet Attack
  • 类型:娱乐
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-02-19 09:34:00
  • 标签: 冒险 动作 娱乐 游戏
游戏介绍 游戏截图 相关版本 推荐合集 相关文章

The main objective in air craft is to stay alive and endeavor to not be hit by the enemy planes, which will fire at you if you give them the chance. You will commence by fight a single plane in the first mission but the game will be more and more challenging as you move further into the game.

Have fun and endeavor to not be shoot down. You will drive your fighter aircraft to fight against enemy fighter planes. Come on to show your vigor as an ace pilot in ecumenical battlefield

Let us explore the features of the game:

- Realistic airports and air base.

- Smooth and easy controls.

- High level simulation.

- High Definition display with remarkable texture quality.

- Classic and modern warfare.

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